winter Motocross

That's the promised article about winter motorcycle operation. Clarify: this is not just a theory but a summary of my daily practice.Once
again, I declare: Riding a motorcycle in the winter - is quite normal,
no not the "extreme" (can not stand this stupid word!). I will say more than that, we have some owners of motorcycles riding on them only in the winter! This, of course, fishermen - in the summer the river can be reached by car, but push it through the snow - not such a pleasure. To
be fair to add that they all ride motorcycles with sidecars - need
somewhere to put the same device for catching fish, vodka and more. I myself just go to work on the bike all year round. Do not think that the chill has brains and now you can expect from me the most. If you are near the entrance of the plant are usually two or three motorcycles, it used to be much larger. Just become more cars. But I can not too early to understand how you can have fun sitting in a tin box on wheels. And on two wheels get the full enjoyment of the program!I begin with materiel. If the summer is fashionable to afford to ride a bike is not working perfectly, then in the winter - no. The engine should wind up in any weather. The battery can nedozaryazhatsya due to low temperatures, so that once a week it has to be recharged. The
oil in the crankcase is better to take thinner, or just a little bit of
kerosene linut there, and the spring flood is normal. Ropes must lubricate the best silicone (silicone) grease - in the cold, they can freeze or become a "rubber". If
you have a carburetor housings, make sure you put them - while parked
on the street the snow gets into the carburetor, then melts and remains
in the float chamber. Regularly pulled out pieces of ice ...Starting the bike. As shown, up to -15 degrees mototechnics any start up smoothly. Next - is worse. I do not recommend warming the crankcase, the engine has nothing on this train. Better warm up the candle. As a rule, the adjusted engine that's enough. By the way, about the adjustment. Few enrich the carburetor mixture needles show a lot - screw quality. Carburetor will be rich, but better start. Add idle - the engine should not stall ever. Otherwise - locking rear wheels and drop the bike. I'll be back to the candle. I have a simple but effective method: I always carry a spare in the pocket of a candle. And a couple of pieces in the glove compartment. But is that in your pocket - warm!You make the bike carefully. First, a few times the engine bleed Kick. Then open benzokranik, gasoline pump up drowning float. The corrector has not yet touch. Start and run engine at idle, no more than one quarter. When it starts up (and it starts up), then you can add the gas and play a little dresser. A little - because you, and so enriched mixture by adjusting the carburetor. If
the engine has persisted in its unwillingness to wind up, then you can
still try to enrich the fuel mixture as a proofreader. But be careful - the cold candle is often flooded with gasoline. So, if the engine will not start, better crank and watch the candle. If it is dry - to open the gas pump through the engine and then fill in a few (depending on engine size) cubes of gasoline. After that, the engine can not start. If the candle raw - change it to spare. Sometimes, in the bitter cold to start the engine in the dark night, we have to try three candles - more with it not I drive. In the morning easier - saving hot candle ever! Especially if you make the engine about 15 minutes before departure, and warm it. Incidentally, I am now going to do. Today, under -30, wound up with difficulty.Now, about what to ride. I went in the winter opposites (M67-36), "Planet" and "Minsk". But the best was a moped "Karpaty". The fact that winter does not need more power and lighter equipment, the easier it is to manage it. Moreover, the fall - there is a difference, too. Or lie pinned a heavy motorcycle, or light. Of course, the moped is not so pathetic, as opposites, but it is easier to ride. But: start opposites and "Planet" is much easier. Thickened
oil in the crankcase is not so easy to crank weak "half a ruble," and
even on loose snow, he is heading is not so hot as. The worst is a choice - a scooter. His "taburetochnaya" landing and small wheels negate the protection of the knees from the cold wind.To
learn how to spike wheels and a chain to wear, I've written (see "To
slide"), and therefore dwell on this issue will not go, and immediately
move on to the technique of driving. The basic rule here - to do everything carefully, precisely and accurately. Ice and snow do not forgive mistakes. Although
the decline is not as painful as the asphalt, but is able to brake on a
slippery road walking track "KamAZ" - is another question. More precisely, not even a question. Therefore, the number one commandment - not impudent, give way to anyone who could. I understand that many people it will be hard, and what to do?Patient question - drive off. My
way is: gazanut sharply in neutral, turn on the transmission (because
of the thick oil the bike a little jerks, even heavy opposites), and
then slowly release the clutch on a fairly large gas. Once the bike ride starts, release the clutch and throttle at the same time. Normally the engine should be adjusted to pull at idle. And then quietly dispersed. Be careful at high engine speeds - even weak "fifty dollars" they can break the rear wheel to slip! So as much as possible to drive small and medium engine speeds. It is clear that the "Jupiter" is pretty hard, but because he was away for the winter is far from ideal.Need to turn the wheel very carefully, and most importantly - accurately. They can not wag not in any way. If
you feel that you can not control a motorcycle (and this often happens
on a slippery uneven road) - relax your hands and relieve gas. The motorcycle will probably fall on its side - hold his feet. Or at least do stay on their feet. In general, the fall in the winter - is the norm. Personally, I fall over the winter a dozen times. But all of them - with no consequences, except that the setting is get off the mirror. Yes, in any case not turning his head, looking out from behind the machine! better to hang a mirror under the extra wheel, so as not to obscure the elbow. When I realized that when you turn the head back, I'm losing trajectory, began to think, why so? It turned out that because of the clothes not only turns his head, and shoulders, too. What it is - is clear.Forget about the sudden acceleration or stops. Remember that there is no front brake. I mean - do not. Can it even detach completely - will not be worse, only better. But that does not mean that we should slow down the rear brake. He, too, is valid only in small doses. Brake motor. And since they do not slow down quickly - especially not overclocked. Maximum speed in the winter can be considered as 60 km / h Anything above - not extreme, and debilizm. But
the rear brakes have brake properly - not to pressure him with all the
dope, but first a few times a little push on the pedal (as in trucks
with pneumatic brakes), and only then gradually slow down, preventing
wheel lock.Now, about the obstacles. The worst thing - icy track and tram lines. Try not to stop off at the track - or leave them difficult or impossible! But if you feel that you are still pulling in a rut - sharply (and accurately!) To move out and move it right on the edge. Here is where you need precise control of the wheel jewelry! If possible, get out, hit a little one edge of the track, and then abruptly exit at the other side. Look
behind the rear wheel, if it can not easily get out of the rut, once
again, move down to it, otherwise the bike will deploy, and it falls
under the car going after. It does not matter that they were going after and honking - it does not concern you. It will be necessary - will tour you take your summer.Tram tracks move into first gear, putting his feet - how will the cold tires on the slippery iron - no one knows, even herself. It is better to go around them with the edge of the snow, not ice. Snow drifts on the contrary, force it to disperse, throwing gas at least to overcome them. It is insidious remnants of snow after the snow thrower: among the fresh snow can hide blocks of ice and hard snow. Personally, I fear them most.After reading all this, one might think that winter riding - the horror and the nightmare. This is not the case, the worst thing happens in the summer when you believe in good adhesion of rubber to asphalt. The most important thing in the winter - do not think, ride a couple of days, you become a professional. Basic skills are coming in a month - another daily drive, and the total confidence - at least two years. And the "greatest of the great" - never to drive a motorcycle in the winter in a state of intoxication! Dig a grave in the frozen ground is not so easy ...P.S. This article I wrote two in the morning before work. Yesterday it was at -30, with the launch of the engine had to be tricky. Today is -12 degrees, the engine fails to start on the third kick. And what you want. "
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