Motocross (sometimes abbreviated as MX or MotoX) - style of riding a motorcycle or ATV off-road trails or special circularity. Motocross is the most popular motorcycle sport in the world. Motocross started to gain popularity in France, which was formerly called Skrembling, however, was invented in the UK. The world's first motocross race took place in Camberley in 1924 The name "motocross" formed from the words "Motorcycle" (English "bike") and "Cross Country" (English "suppression area"). Gradually the name became abbreviated to MX.
Motocross tracks are usually quite long (1.5-3 km) and include natural obstacles with different variations of specially designed ramps and other handmade items. There has not met the road, which would consist of hills and turns, without a single jump. Supercross, motocross as a kind of - it is entirely man-made trail, usually a short length with many jumps and turns, the construction of the stadiums (and sometimes indoor).
Due to the size of the road, in motocross typically involved 40 riders, and in Supercross - about 25.
Races are different in length, usually measured in time plus 1-2 range. Grand Prix (GP) or Chempioant of America (Pro AMA) are usually within 30 minutes + 2 laps. Amateur racing is usually occupied by much smaller, about 10 minutes. When the appointed time comes, people honk racers at the finish that left one (or two) of the disk, and then the race ends the checkered flag waved. Other off-road variety, such as Enduro (almost the same as motocross, racing only pass on the great natural highway, and are much longer and at higher speeds). There is established a certain number of laps or just the maximum time limit.
Races take place on arrival. Usually a race consists of two check-up which is made final.
Motocross bikesMotocross bikes usually have a capacity of engines from 50cc to 550cc.
The most basic difference in the motocross bikes if they have a two-stroke engine (2T) or four (4T). Prior to 1965. all motocross bikes are 4 stroke, but with the development of technology 2T divgateli become better and become more popular in the sports arena in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
Two-stroke engine produces more power than the four of the same volume (cc), however, the fuel must be mixed with oil. Chetyrehtaktniki continue to be used by professional racers, mostly in the class of MX3. Because the laws on environmental protection, the new generation 4-taktnikov appeared only in the late 90s, as a Yamaha YZ400.
With the change the rules now allow chetyrehtaknikam act on races in the same class with dvuhtaktnikami smaller volume (see table below), and an increase in power a new generation of 4T engines (they have to work at higher speeds, use short piston rods, compared to the previous generation), sports 4T took in his arms. However, so far every year lot of disputes about what is still better, and manufacturers of motocross bikes 4T aspiring to make them even better.
Riders are usually separated into classes according to engine size (but not always). The main classification is given below:
The European name of the class name of the American Engine (2T) Engine (4T) NoteMX1 Motocross / Supercross (usually "250") 250cc 450ccNo MX3 250cc + 450cc + 500cc dvuhtaktniki normally, or "open" classMX2 Motocross Lites / Supercross Lites (usually "125") 125cc 250cc85BW Mini 85cc 150cc (produced since 2007) BW = Bigger Wheels, big wheels85SW Mini 85cc 150cc (produced since 2007) SW = Smaller Wheels, small wheelsMini 65cc 65 Out of productionAutos Supermini 50cc 50ccChildren and youth races are held in classes of up to MX2 Autos. Adults - from MX1 to MX3.
Motocross bikes have a long-travel suspension, great for jumping and riding at high speed on various mestosti. This suspension has transformed from a simple motocross riding on difficult terrain in what is now - crazy huge jumps and ramps that were previously impossible.
To reduce the weight of the bike (usually ranges from 80 to 120kg), things such as speedometers, lights, props, electric starters, etc. were removed from the sports apparatus. Also, using lightweight materials such as aluminum, magnesium or their alloys.
Due to the nature trails, riders spend much time standing on the pegs, and a lot of work knees to absorb the bumps. Long, flat seats have been designed to allow riders to easily move, distributing the weight on the corners and do not differ much comfort.
Usually, motocross motorcycles for sale in a prepared or nearly prepared for the race-condition. However, many riders are tuning their bikes to increase capacity or simply to make it more comfortable for you.
Manufacturers Cross bikes(List not exhaustive)
Key:Honda (Japan)Kawasaki (Japan)KTM (Austria)Suzuki (Japan)Yamaha (Japan)Five of the above - these are the main manufacturers of motocross bikes.
Small:Aprilia (Italy)Gas Gas (Spain)Husaberg (Sweden)Husqvarna (Italy, earlier - Sweden)TM (Italy)Vertemati (Italy)VOR (Italy)These manufacturers share a very small market share.
Previously:These manufacturers have done motocross motorcycles before, but now no longer doing it.
BSA (United Kingdom) - until 1970, then continued under the name CCMBultaco (Spain)Can-Am (Canada)Cannondale (now ATK) (USA)CCM (UK) - motocross motorcycles were collected by Rotax enginesCooper (Mexico)CZ (Czechoslovakia)DKW (founded in East Germany, reconstituted in West Germany after World War II)Greeves (UK)Hodaka (Japan)Ossa (Spain)Maico (West Germany)Monark (Sweden)Montesa (Spain)Puch (Austria)SWM (Italy)Zundapp (West Germany)
The purpose of the race - to pass a certain number of laps (from 3 to 7 for the fans, more for professionals) or a fixed amount of time (up to 40 minutes) first. Races are usually held in two phases, which resulted in the total score is obtained and the final result. At satart out a few riders.
Motocross is one of the most exciting sport in which riders perform high jumps, the turns being held by a thread from falling ...
Recently, the sport appeared subspecies, such as Supercross, or Arenakross (both - indoor motocross), Freestyle (FMX) (stunts on motorcycles), Supermoto (motard) (motocross tracks on asphalt), and vintage motocross (motorcycle competition which was implemented until 1975.).
Motocross can be practiced all his life. Children's classes start at 4 years old on 50cc motorcycles.
The most famous in the world are two series: in America - AMA Championship, also known as the "National Championships (nationals)" and the World Championship Motocross, also known as the Grand Prix (Grand Prix).
Series AMA Motocross Championshp typically runs from early May to mid-August and consists of 12 stages on the 12 routes in different parts of the United States. Every race is held on Sundays, in two classes of "Motocross" and "Motocross Lites". Each race consists of two rounds of 30 minutes plus two laps. In general, a step takes about 2 hours.
Motocross World Championship is held usually in Europe, with several "exit" stages in South Africa and Japan, but sometimes in America or other countries. The format is the same as racing in the AMA. Two classes: MX1 and MX2, on arrival, two in each class. World Cup consists of 16 or more stages.
Both series combined race Motocross Des Nations (MXDN) (usually translated from the French, but it does mean Motocross Nations). The format is such that drivers represent their country on the teams, 3 person team, each in its class - MX1, MX2 and "Open." Phase 3 is held in check. Location varies from year to year. Most silyne teams - the U.S., Belgium and the UK.
Physical activity
Those who do not ride on the motocross bike, usually do not realize how strong physical exertion experienced riders. For some reason they think that the riders do not do anything except to twist rudder and throttle, and believe that it is the same as driving a family car.
Motocross requires a very serious physical training, mostly arm, shoulder and endurance in general. Ryder (she) must maintain control of the motorcycle at the maximum possible rate, while holding the bike weighs 100kg, which is usually about 50 horsepower. The hands and feet while riding the racer is constantly in motion, in the struggle to control and absorb shocks from minor bumps and big jumps, not counting possible undershooting the mark. Finally, professional racing last for more than an hour. This is a real test for the riders.
National Institute of Sports and Health in Inglewood, California, conducted tests of several professional athletes in the early 80s. Among them were runners, motokrossery, rugby players, football players, and many others. Tests have shown that the most stressful loads experienced motocross riders, and they also have the highest level of physical fitness.
Since 2002, Motocross ATV (ATV) began a rapid growth in the U.S.. This was a direct result of the entry of manufacturers into a new sport. Before we talk about the current state of affairs in the ATV-motocross, we must understand the past. Racing on ATV started provoitsya in the mid 80s when Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha have released a new line of sport ATV, have not found popularity because publitskatsy in the press about the dangers of these vehicles. From that time until the end of the 90s, third-party Addiction support the sport, but at a fairly low level. Riders collected expensive, custom ATVs from spare parts from various manufacturers such as Laeger's, Walsh Race Craft and Lonestar Racing. Engine set of old times (86-89) Honda TRX250R. Third-party companies produced and parts for this engine. Companies like Curtis Sparks Racing Engines, Baldwin Motorsports and Hinson Racing made clones of the famous engine and spare parts. Over time, the suspension improvements have allowed ATVs compete with motocross bike jumping. Company's PEP and Custom Axis long-stroke shock absorbers made special, and links to them, which kept the toughest landings.
However, to be honest, it was necessary to spend up to $ 20,000 to build a normal quad bike for racing. In the late 90s the rules have changed, and allowed the riders to use motorcycle engines with a crossover in combination with special frames. The era began with a four-stroke ATV Harold Goodman, who won a national championship at chetyrehtaknom custom ATV with an engine of YZ400F. Soon hybrid machines have become commonplace on the slopes.
Manufacturers have begun to pay more attention to market kvadrotsitslov, and in 1999. Honda launches four-stroke TRX400EX. He was not as powerful as custom hybrids, but the step was taken. In 2001, Cannondale entered the ATV market and created reysingovuyu team in partnership with Nac's Racing. However, the history of Cannondale was short, and the company declared bankruptcy in 2002 In 2003, Suzuki released LT-Z400, liquid-cooled four-stroke engine. In the same year, ATVA introduces a special class of "Stock ATVs" in the national competitions. Traditional "Pro" class allows you to participate dvuhtaknikam and hybrids. Many riders participate in both classes, but is still considered the main Pro class.
At the end of 2003, Yamaha YFZ450 will present in the model lineup in 2004. This ATV is the first representative of a professional sports ATV, which is positioned as a pure racing machine. It was not as wide as the others, it was not long-travel suspension, but it was a great four-dvigaetl, an analog crossover. It was the first stock ATV with an adjustable front suspension. Followed by Yamaha, Honda also announced a new ATV in 2004 - TRX450R, also aimed at professional sports.
2004 season in motocross quad bike was one of the most active over the past 15 years. Suzuki took the team Doug Gast, Honda - Tim Farr and Yamaha offered sponsorship Corrie Ellis.
It was the first time since 1986, when the company sponsored riders. This season was successful for Suzuki, they won a championship racer.
In 2005, Suzuki took the team another rider Jeremy Jones. This year's victory in the Honda rider got Chmpionate John Natalie. Season 2005 proved that manufacturers will continue to support motocross ATV. With this knowledge, the market began to emerge, and smaller companies that offer tuning and spare parts.
In the summer of 2005, Suzuki announced a new model LT-R450. This sport ATV was the most advanced and most ready-to-ATV-Motocross. It was installed electronic ignition, an advanced four-stroke engine and great suspension with 10 inches of travel.
Motocross with pramsMotocross with strollers appeared somewhere in the 50th, but was not popular before the 90th. This species is most popular in Europe, with a small number of participants from the United States, New Zealand and Australia.
Mototskl crossover with a sidecar only differs from the usual frame, to which is attached at the side of a flat platform and a special pen. The passenger balances the bike as a counterweight to the turns and jumps. Races are held on obychnoyh motocross tracks. Motocross with a wheelchair requires a high degree of endurance, especially for the passenger.
The main producer of frames today, VMC, BSU, AYR, EML and Woodenleg. You can use conventional engines, but there is a special engine manufacturers: Zabel (Germany) and MTH (Austria). Four-stroke engines produces the KTM (Austria).
Freestyle Motocross (FMX), a relatively new sport. The bottom line is the performance of stunts while jumping on motocross bike. The winner is selected a group of judges. Riders are assessed on style, difficulty of trick, better use of the highway and the reaction of the crowd.
For example, backflip (back flip), first made Carey Hart in a special earthen springboard, with 250cc motorcycle. Soon after this, Mike Metzger did the trick on a standard freestyle ramp with a dirt landing. Some believe that the most difficult ever are made is a trick body viral 360. This trick also called the Carolla was performed by Chuck Carothers at the X Games in 2004. Prior to this, backflip 360 (off-axis backflip) was considered the most difficult. A new level of freestyle brought Travis Pastrana. In 2005 he made the first double backflip, the X Games in 2006.
Minibike (Pit-bikes)
Last crazy when adults go on a small (50cc) motorcycles called minibike or pit bikes. Earlier, adults rode for fun in the mini-dirt parks (pits - hence the name pit bike). Gradually, people began to race against each other. These cheap minibike was originally created for children, Remade in adult pit bikes by setting higher rudders, improved suspension, exhaust, plastics. Also, among the "improvements" - bored 75-147ss engines and reinforced frames. There is no standard definition of what constitutes a pit-bike, but the usual requirements - 12 "front and 10" rear wheels. None of the "Big Five" (Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, KTM) still does not offer a ready-made pit bikes, however, some companies sell this pit model. For example, Pitster Pro, SDG, and Sikk MX. Minibike craze was born in Southern California, but was rapidly gaining popularity in other parts of the United States and around the world. Racing Pit bikes are held on short tracks, similar to a mini-motorcycle, kart racers and other uses, or stritovuyu motocross gear.
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