Motocross tracks are usually quite long (1.5-3 km) and include natural obstacles with different variations of specially designed ramps and other handmade items. There has not met the road, which would consist of hills and turns, without a single jump. Supercross, motocross as a kind of - it is entirely man-made trail, usually a short length with many jumps and turns, the construction of the stadiums (and sometimes indoor).
Due to the size of the road, in motocross typically involved 40 riders, and in Supercross - about 25.
Races are different in length, usually measured in time plus 1-2 range. Grand Prix (GP) or Chempioant of America (Pro AMA) are usually within 30 minutes + 2 laps. Amateur racing is usually occupied by much smaller, about 10 minutes. When the appointed time comes, people honk racers at the finish that left one (or two) of the disk, and then the race ends the checkered flag waved. Other off-road variety, such as Enduro (almost the same as motocross, racing only pass on the great natural highway, and are much longer and at higher speeds). There is established a certain number of laps or just the maximum time limit.Races take place on arrival. Usually a race consists of two check-up which is made final.
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